Nunasvaara South Mine
Talga has undertaken numerous baseline environmental studies and assessed the environmental impacts of our proposed Nunasvaara South mining operation. This page lists the full suite of environmental impact assessment documents prepared for and submitted to the Land and Environment Court and the Mining Inspectorate as part of the processes for obtaining the Environmental Permit and the Exploitation Concession for the mine. These documents are in Swedish and are presented in the order they were submitted to the Court. Please note that Supplementary Documents may replace previously submitted documents.
Permit decision 5 April 2023
The Land and Environment Court’s decision to approve the Nunasvaara South Mine environmental and Natura 2000 permit.
Application May 2020
The environmental permit application, initial environmental impact assessment, technical description and results of consultation undertaken by Talga prior to submitting the application.
Supplementary Documents August 2020
Additional documents.
Submission January 2021
Extra information submitted in response to questions.
Supplementary Documents February 2021
Additional documents.
Submission June 2021
Extra information submitted in response to questions.
Supplementary Documents October 2021
Additional documents.
0. Talga AB, Komplettering II, 2021-10-2929.10.2021
Bilaga 15 Översikt över område för uttag av morän för efterbehandling29.10.2021
Bilaga K16 Uppdaterad information om sand- och gråbergsmagasinet, TCS, 2021-10-2929.10.2021
Bilaga K17 Översikt över miljökonsekvenserna vid en produktionsnivå om 120 000 ton_år29.10.2021
Submission September 2022
Extra information submitted in response to questions.
Submission October 2022
Extra information submitted in response to questions.
M 1573-20 Talga AB, yttrande 2022-10-3131.10.2022
Bilaga 1. Översättning till svenska av aktbil. 231 (ESBO-yttranden)14.10.2022
Bilaga 2. Översättning av Bilaga K12, PM avseende recipientpåverkan (aktbil. 85)14.10.2022
Bilaga 3. Översättning av Talgas yttrande 2022-09-01 (aktbil. 243)14.10.2022