Consumer Electronics
Whether it’s your phone in your pocket, your laptop in your bag, or your watch on your wrist, all portable electric devices require batteries, and those batteries make up a hefty global footprint. Our anode materials – the greenest in the world – serve to both lower the carbon footprint of batteries in portable electronic devices, but also enhance their power properties.

Critical raw materials
If you’ve ever seen inside a portable electronic device, you were probably impressed by the intricacy of the craftsmanship. Modern electronics use incredibly precise engineering to create powerful devices that literally fit in the palm of your hand. So it might seem a little strange to consider many of the materials in portable electronic devices began their lives as ores which were mined from the Earth.
These materials are called critical raw materials, and include natural graphite, lithium, cobalt and silicon, amongst others. Indeed, a modern smartphone may contain up to 50 different metals.
The use of portable electronic devices and consumer electronics will only increase over time, so it’s vital that their critical raw materials are produced sustainably, with modern mining methods, reduced environmental impact and clean, renewable electricity.